The Lesser Banishing of the Cosmic Pentagram

See my explanation of this ritual here.

Stand facing the east. Make the sign of silence. Draw a column of light down from infinity above your head through to the core of the earth, saying “taromi desteha.” Draw another beam from infinity over your right shoulder through to the left saying “et valata, et valnima.” Draw a final line through the intersection, saying “po-fnsha ucia.” The c makes a an English ch sound. Feel the flow of energy across those lines and breathe.
Still facing east, draw the banishing pentagram of earth, intoning “Lust” and visualizing images suggestion of motion and attraction in all its forms. Connect the center of the pentagram to a point at the south with a quarter circle drawn at the boundary of your space. Draw the pentagram of earth and intone “Agonh” and visualizing a fireplace. Continue the circle to the west. Draw a pentagram of earth and intone “Isa” while visualizing immutable ice. Draw the next segment of the circle and make the final pentagram. Intone “Gaia” while visualizing appropriately earthy images. Complete the circle.
Retain the pentagrams and confining circle in your mind’s eye. Vibrate the names of your directional guardians*, before and behind, and to the right and the left of you. Visualize them appropriately. Say “about me burn the pentagrams and within is the six rayed star.” Maintain everything for several seconds, then repeat the initial gestures and incantation. Conclude with the sign of silence.

*The four channeled names which accompany this ritual, and which I use myself, are Derrien, Solannas, Dershe, and Pastaru. The last syllables are accented. Similarly to succubi, accepting these energies into your life is a permanent decision. If you test them and don’t like them, banish strongly using your preferred ritual and don’t attempt to call on them again.

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